20 Loans and advances

Loans and advances

2020 2019
AED’000 AED’000
Commercial loans
Commercial overdraft 403,369 470,332
Trust Receipts 23,649 64,557
Bills and discounts 37,352 41,705
Mezzanine finance 11,934 11,307
Advances against documents under LC 337 6,902
Auto loan 1,677 2,463
Clean facility 1,180 1,180
Other commercial advances 1,572,215 1,740,402
———————- ———————-
2,051,713 2,338,848
———————- ———————-
Retail finance
Car loans 3,076 3,146
Executive Finance 163,136 169,525
Staff loans 4,082 5,703
Credit card advances and settlement plans 264,665 285,032
Sulfah- National Personnel Loan 2,109
Payday Overdraft 35,817 41,491
SME loans 21,751 23,328
Others 1,056 1,127
———————- ———————-
495,692 529,352
———————- ———————-
Gross loans and advances 2,547,405 2,868,200
Less: Allowance for impairment -379,052 -416,170
———————- ———————-
Loans and advances 2,168,353 2,452,030
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The movement in the allowance for impairment during the period/year is as follows:


2020 2019
AED’000 AED’000
At 1 January 416,170 351,645
Changes on initial application of IFRS 9
——————— ———————
Balance at 1 January 416,170 351,645
Impairment charges for the year 72,273 69,258
Reversal of no longer required impairment charges (4,733)
Amount written off (109,391)
——————— ———————
Balance at 31 December 379,052 416,170


The allowance for impairment includes a specific provision of AED 325.1 million (2019 AED 385.8 million) for stage 3 loans of the Group.

In determining the recoverability of loans and advances, the Group considers any change in the credit quality of the loans and advances measured at amortised cost from the date credit was initially granted up to the end of the reporting period. The concentration of credit risk is limited due to the fact that the customer base is large and unrelated.