18 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents

  2,022 2,021
  AED’000 AED’000
Cash balances    
Cash on hand 8,407 8,096
  ————————- ————————-
Due from banks with original maturities of less     
than three months    
Placements with banks 110,504 65,245
Call accounts 201,477 267,184
Current and demand accounts 77,807 105,614
Balance with UAE Central Bank 362,292 149,748
Restricted cash balances* 6,000 6,000
  ————————- ————————-
  758,080 593,791
  ————————- ————————-
Due to banks and other financial institutions with    
original maturity of less than three months (30,059) (26,720)
Other restricted cash balances* (6,000) (6,000)
  ————————- ————————-
Net cash and cash equivalents 730,428 569,167
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