21 Islamic financing and investing assets

Islamic financing and investing assets

  2022 2021
  AED’000 AED’000
Commodity Murabaha 55,543 61,752
Covered card and drawings 17,411 20,673
Ijarah 6,641 7,005
Purchase and lease back  484 711
Others 3,173 3,123
  ————————- ————————-
Gross Islamic financing and investing assets 83,252 93,264
Less: Allowance for impairment (60,616) (62,959)
  ————————- ————————-
Islamic financing and investing assets 22,636 30,305
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Islamic financing and investing assets are stated net of allowance for impairment. The movement in the allowance during the year is as follows:

  2022 2021
  AED’000 AED’000
At 1 January 62,959 60,869
Impairment charges for the year  (5,721) 200
Reversal no longer required (impairment charges) (245)
Transfers 3,378 2,135
  ————————- ————————-
At 31 December ­60,616 62,959
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Allowance for impairment includes a specific provision of AED 60.3 million (2021 AED 62.3 million) for stage 3 Islamic financing and investing assets of the Group.

The gross Ijara and purchase and leaseback and the related present value of minimum Ijara and purchase and leaseback payments are as follows:

  2022   2021
  AED’000   AED’000
Gross Ijara and purchase and lease-back      
Less than one year  6,447   5,187
Between one and three years 1,816   3,491
Between three and five years   415
  ————————-   —————–
  8,263   9,093
Less: Deferred income  (1,138)   (1,377)
  ————————-   —————–
Net Ijara and purchase and lease-back ­7,125   7,716
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Present value of minimum Ijara and purchase and leaseback payments


  2022 2021
  AED’000 AED’000
Less than one year  5,428 4,171
Between one and three years 1,697 3,019
Between three and five years 526
  ————————- ————————-
  7,125 7,716
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