22 Investment in equity accounted investee

Investment in equity accounted investee

The Group has the following investment in associates

  Country of incorporation Percentage of holding Principal activity
    2022 2021  
Mainland Management L.L.C. U.A.E 33.33% 33.33% Hospitality management services
Empay LLC U.A.E 30% 30% Digital Payment Ecosystem & services



Movement in investment in an associate is as follows:

  2022 2021
  AED’000 AED’000
At 1 January  86,881 89,788
Share of results for the year (4,268) (2,907)
  ————————- ————————-
At 31 December 82,613 86,881
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Summarized financial information of the associate is set out below:

  2022 2021
  AED’000 AED’000
Associate’s statement of financial position    
Assets  222,161 222,163
Liabilities (49,113) (35,311)
  ————————- ————————-
Net assets 173,048 186,852
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Group’s share of net assets 82,613 86,881
  ————————- ————————-
Carrying amount of investment in an associate 82,613 86,881
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Income statement    
Revenue 1,089
Loss for the year (13,804) (9,563)
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Group’s share of results for the year (4,268) (2,906)
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