36 Tier 1 Capital Instruments

Tier 1 Capital Instruments

In July 2015, the Company raised financing by way of Shariah compliant Tier 1 Capital Certificates amounting to AED 300 million (Tier 1 Sukuk). Issuance of these Capital Certificates was approved by the Company’s Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) in April 2015. The UAE Central Bank has also approved the facility to be considered as Tier 1 capital for regulatory purposes. These Capital Certificates bear profit at a fixed rate payable semi-annually in arrears. The Capital Certificates are non-cumulative perpetual securities for which there is no fixed redemption date and are callable by the Company subject to certain conditions. Tier 1 Sukuk amounting to AED 23,800 thousand (2021: AED 23,800 thousand) are held by subsidiaries of the Group and, accordingly, eliminated in the consolidated statement of financial position. The payment of the coupon amounts on those instruments is solely at the discretion of the issuer at a coupon profit rate of ranging from 6.058% to 6.14%% p.a (2021:  6.058% to 6.14%%p.a).

In March 2019 the subsidiary of the Company ‘Insurance House’ raised tier 1 perpetual bonds amounting to AED 15 Million. Issuance of these perpetual bonds was approved by the Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) in January 2019. These perpetual bonds bear profit at a fixed rate payable semi-annually in arrears. The perpetual bonds are non-cumulative perpetual securities for which there is no fixed redemption date and are callable by the subsidiary subject to certain conditions. The payment of the coupon amounts on those instruments is solely at the discretion of the issuer at a coupon profit rate of 8.25% p.a.