Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Consolidated statement of cash flows

for the year ended 31 December

    2,022 2,021
  Note AED’000 AED’000
Cash flows from operating activities    20,785 22,758
Profit for the year      
Adjustments for:       
Depreciation of property, fixtures and equipment   9,154 13,450
Gain on fair valuation of investment in property   (600)
Share of loss of equity accounted investees   4,268 2,906
Dividend income from investments   (8,919) (10,012)
Loss on disposal of investments       
  carried at fair value through profit or loss   (7,226) (4,169)
Net change in fair value of investments carried at fair      
  value through profit or loss   3,821 (11,639)
Loss on disposal of investment carried at amortized cost   (39)
Net impairment loss on loans and advances   44,009 52,892
Impairment (reversal) / loss on Islamic financing and investing assets    (5,721) 200
Net provision for employees’ end of service       
   benefits   2,386 (597)
    ————————- ————————-
    61,918 65,789
Changes in:      
   Islamic financing and investing assets   13,390 29,876
   Loans and advances   37,108 33,196
 Placement with banks maturing above three months   1,044
   Interest receivable and other assets   (10,978) 16,467
   Insurance receivables and contract assets   (71,985) (64,184)
   Customers’ deposits and margin accounts   344,289 (207,574)
   Unearned premiums   31,280 2,009
   Gross claims outstanding   8,687 25,786
   Interest payable and other liabilities   (94,497) 56,528
   Lease liabilities   (568) (2,356)
    ————————- ————————-
 Cash generated from / (used in) operating activities   318,644 (43,419)
Employees’ end of service benefits paid   (2,343) (2,285)
Dividend received   8,919 10,012
Directors’ remuneration paid   (2,251) (1,957)
    ————————- ————————-
Net cash generated from / (used in) operating activities    322,969 (37,649)
Cash flows from investing activities       
Purchase of investments carried at fair value through       
   other comprehensive income   (30,189) (36,467)
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at fair value      
  through other comprehensive income   48,000 62,278
Purchase of investments carried at fair value through profit or loss   (50,370) (49,206)
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at fair value       
  through profit or loss   54,628 34,634
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at amortized cost    1,886 3,673
Purchase of investments carried at amortized cost   (1,847)
Purchase of property, fixtures and equipment   (15,563) (18,563)
Disposal of property, fixtures and equipment   4,425
    ————————- ————————-
Net cash generated from / (used in) investing activities   8,392 (1,073)
    ————————- ————————-
Consolidated statement of cash flows (continued)      
for the year ended 31 December      
    2,022 2,021
  Note AED’000 AED’000
Cash flows from financing activities      
Repayments of short-term borrowings   (132,910) (250,000)
Repayment of Medium-term loans   (33,333) (25,000)
Proceeds from Short Term borrowings   31,000 393,750
Proceeds from Medium Term loan   100,000
Movement in Tier 1 Sukuk   (3,650)
Tier 1 SUKUK coupon paid   (16,907) (17,008)
Tier 1 Bond coupon paid   (1,238) (1,238)
Cash dividend paid   (5,749)
Purchase of treasury shares    (16,712) (29,823)
    ————————- ————————-
Net cash (used in) / generated from financing activities   (170,100) 161,282
    ————————- ————————-
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents     161,261 122,560
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January   569,167 446,607
    ————————- ————————-
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 17 730,428 569,167
    ===========    ===========


The notes on pages 15 to 105 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.