Consolidated statement of profit or loss

Consolidated statement of profit or loss

for the year ended 31 December

    2,022   2,021
  Note AED’000   AED’000
Interest income and income from Islamic financing and investing assets  10 193,317   180,945
Interest expense and profit distributable to depositors  10 (55,069)   (43,749)
    ————————-   ————————-
Net interest income and income from Islamic financing and investing assets 10 ­138,248   137,196
    ————————-   ————————-
Fee and commission income 11 31,079   29,251
Fee and commission expenses 11 (12,768)   (13,388)
    ————————-   ————————-
Net fee and commission income 11 18,311   15,863
    ————————-   ————————-
Net insurance premium earned   134,666   129,840
Net commission paid   (5,634)   (9,705)
Net insurance claims incurred   (89,712)   (66,636)
Other underwriting expenses   (6,173)   (11,608)
    ————————-   ————————-
Net insurance income   33,147   41,891
    ————————-   ————————-
Net investment income 12 12,363   25,008
Credit impairment loss on loans and advances  19 (44,009)   (52,892)
Credit impairment reversal / (loss) on Islamic financing and investing assets   5,721   (200)
Other operating income – net 13 26,258   26,534
    ————————-   ————————-
Net operating income   190,039   193,400
    ————————-   ————————-
Salaries and employees related expenses 14 (109,561)   (102,846)
Depreciation of property, fixtures and equipment 24 (9,154)   (13,450)
Interest on lease liabilities   (5)   (23)
General and administrative expenses 15 (46,266)   (51,417)
    ————————-   ————————-
Operating profit for the year   25,053   25,664
    ————————-   ————————-
Share of losses of equity accounted investees 21 (4,268)   (2,906)
    ————————-   ————————-
Profit for the year   20,785   22,758
    ————————-   ————————-
    2,022   2,021
  Note AED’000   AED’000
Profit for the year   20,785   22,758
Other comprehensive income:        
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Equity investments at FVOCI – net change in fair value    (19,073)   59,954
Items that are reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:        
Debt investments at FVOCI – net change in fair value   (11,083)   1,083
    ————————-   ————————-
Other comprehensive (loss) / income for the year   (30,156)   61,037
    ————————-   ————————-
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year   (9,371)   83,795
    =============   =============
Profit attributable to:   16,562   15,484
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interests   4,223   7,274
    ————————-   ————————-
    20,785   22,758
    =============   =============
Total comprehensive income attributable to:        
Equity holders of the parent   (13,282)   72,677
Non-controlling interests   3,911   11,118
    ————————-   ————————-
    (9,371)   83,795
    =============   =============
Basic and diluted loss per share         
attributable to ordinary shares (AED) 16 (0.01)   (0.01)
    =============   =============