17 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents

2023   2022
AED’000   AED’000
Cash balances  
Cash on hand 7,033                8,407
Due from banks with original maturities of less  
than three months  
Placements with banks             110,504
Call accounts 27,051   192,632
Current and demand accounts 41,728   86,652
Balance with the Central Bank of the UAE 213,637            362,292
Restricted cash balances* 6,000                6,000
288,416            758,080
Due to banks and other financial institutions with  
original maturity of less than three months (32,795)            (30,059)
Other restricted cash balances*            (6,000)              (6,000)
Net cash and cash equivalents 256,654            730,428


*Restricted cash represents deposits with CBUAE amounting to AED 6,000 thousand (2022: AED 6,000 thousand).