19 Loans and advances

Loans and advances

2023 2022
AED’000 AED’000
Commercial loans
Commercial overdraft 282,494       296,444
Other commercial advances 1,516,355     1,651,728
1,798,849     1,948,172
Retail finance
Personal loans and advances 544,276       497,015
544,276       497,015
Gross loans and advances 2,343,125     2,445,187
Less: allowances for expected credit losses (467,455)     (444,039)
Loans and advances 1,875,670     2,001,148


The movement in the allowances for expected credit losses during the year is as follows:


2023 2022
AED’000 AED’000
At 1 January 444,039           411,551
Charged for the year 23,668            44,009
Reversal of no longer required impairment charges            (8,439)
Amounts written off (252)            (3,082)
Balance at 31 December 467,455           444,039


The allowance for impairment includes a specific provision of AED 379.6 million (2022 AED 372.1 million) for stage 3 loans of the Group.


In determining the recoverability of loans and advances, the Group considers any change in the credit quality of the loans and advances measured at amortised cost from the date credit was initially granted up to the end of the reporting period. The concentration of credit risk is limited due to the fact that the customer base is large and unrelated.