4.8 Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities

Classification and subsequent measurement

Financial liabilities (including customers’ deposits and margin accounts’ and ‘due to bank – short term borrowings and medium-term loans’) are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost, except for:

  • Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: this classification is applied to derivatives, financial liabilities held for trading and other financial liabilities designated as such on initial recognition. Gains or losses on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss are presented partially in other comprehensive income (the change in fair value due to credit risk) and partially profit or loss (the remaining amount of change in the fair value of the liability). This is unless such a presentation would create, or enlarge, an accounting mismatch, in which case the gains and losses attributable to changes in the credit risk of the liability are also presented in profit or loss;
  • Financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial assets which did not qualify for derecognition whereby for financial liability is recognised for the consideration received for the transfer. In subsequent periods, the Group recognises any expense incurred on the financial liability; and
  • Financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments.


Financial liabilities are derecognized when they are extinguished (i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expires).

When replacing an existing debt with a new debt from a new lender, the existing debt would be de-recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position, with the difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of the consideration paid recognized in profit or loss.


The Group derecognizes a financial liability when its terms are modified, and the cash flows of the modified liability are substantially different. In this case, a new financial liability based on the modified terms is recognized at fair value. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid is recognized in profit or loss. Consideration paid includes non-financial assets transferred, if any, and the assumption of liabilities, including the new modified financial liability.

If the modification of a financial liability is not accounted for as derecognition, then the amortized cost of the liability is recalculated by discounting the modified cash flows at the original effective interest rate and the resulting gain or loss is recognized in profit or loss. For floating-rate financial liabilities, the original effective interest rate used to calculate the modification gain or loss is adjusted to reflect current market terms at the time of the modification. Any costs and fees incurred are recognized as an adjustment to the carrying amount of the liability and amortized over the remaining term of the modified financial liability by re-computing the effective interest rate on the instrument.