5.5 Operational risk


Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. Operational risks can arise from all business processes and activities carried out by the Group and can expose the Group to potentially large losses, legal suits, regulatory criticism and reputational damage.

The Group has established an independent Operational Risk Management (‘ORM’) function that forms part of the Risk Management Department. ORM is responsible for overseeing the operational risk framework at the organizational level to ensure the development and consistent application of operational risk policies, tools and processes throughout the Group and quarterly report on ORM is being regularly submitted to the Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC).

The objective of the Group’s operational risk management is to manage and control operational risk in a cost-effective manner within targeted levels of operational risk consistent with well-defined risk appetite.

The Group has implemented a detailed Operational Risk Management Framework (‘ORMF’) in accordance with Central Bank of the UAE guidelines and industry best practices. The ORMF articulates clearly defined roles and responsibilities of individuals / units and committees across the Group involved in the management of various operational risk elements. The ORMF ensures that operational risks within the Group are properly identified, monitored, reported and actively managed.