Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Consolidated statement of cash flows

for the year ended 31 December


2023 2022
AED’000 AED’000
Profit for the year 14,809 (11,326)
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation of property, fixtures and equipment 6,568 7,789
Gain on fair valuation of investment in property (700)
Change in fair value of investment property (1,417) (600)
Share of loss of equity accounted investees 399 4,268
Dividend income from investments (6,915) (8,919)
Loss/(profit) on disposal of investments carried at fair value through profit or loss 1,478 (7,226)
Net change in fair value of investments carried at fair value through profit or loss 240 3,821
Loss on disposal of investment carried at amortized cost (39)
Net impairment loss on loans and advances 23,668 44,009
Impairment reversal on Islamic financing and investing assets (1,436) (5,721)
Net provision for employees’ end of service benefits 1,986 2,386
38,680 28,442
Changes in:    
Islamic financing and investing assets 9,932 13,390
Loans and advances 101,810 37,108
Interest receivable and other assets 8,212 (10,978)
Insurance receivables and contract assets 5,275 (38,509)
Customers’ deposits and margin accounts (497,985) 344,289
Interest payable and other liabilities 14,706 (94,497)
Lease liabilities (537) (568)
(Decrease)/increase in insurance contract liabilities (27,512) 39,967
Cash (used in)/generated from operating activities (347,419) 318,644
Employees’ end of service benefits paid (3,229) (2,343)
Dividend received 6,915 8,919
Directors’ remuneration paid (2,048) (2,251)
Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities (345,781) 322,969
Purchase of investments carried at fair value through   other comprehensive income (3,480) (30,189)
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at fair value   through other comprehensive income 94,707 48,000
Purchase of investments carried at fair value through profit or loss (11,273) (50,370)
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at fair value through profit or loss 47,414 54,628
Proceeds from redemption of fixed deposit 14,000 14,000
Proceeds from sale of investments carried at amortized cost 1,886
Purchase of investments carried at amortized cost (44,916)
Purchase of investment property (29,525)
Proceeds from disposal of investment property 4,800
Purchase of property, fixtures and equipment (30,149) (15,563)
Proceeds from disposal of property, fixtures and equipment 11,786
Net cash generated from investing activities 53,365 22,392




2023 2022
Note AED’000 AED’000
Repayments of short-term borrowings (275,000)   (156,160)
Repayment of medium-term loans (33,334)  (33,333)
Proceeds from medium Term loan 150,000 54,250
Repurchase of Tier 1 Sukuk (100)  –
Tier 1 SUKUK coupon paid (17,025)  (16,907)
Tier 1 Bond coupon paid (1,238)  (1,238)
Purchase of treasury shares (4,661)  (16,712)
Net cash used in financing activities (181,358)  (170,100)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents   (473,774) 175,261
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 730,428 555,167
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 17 256,654 730,428


The accompanying notes from 1 to 40 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.