Consolidated statement of profit or loss

Consolidated statement of profit or loss

for the year ended 31 December


    2023   2022
  Note AED’000   AED’000
Interest income and income from Islamic financing and investing assets 10 220,762   193,317
Interest expense and profit distributable to depositors 10 (82,964)   (55,069)
Net interest income and income from Islamic financing and investing assets 10 137,798   ­138,248
Fee and commission income 11 28,985   31,079
Fee and commission expenses 11 (11,036)   (12,768)
Net fee and commission income 11 17,949   18,311
Insurance services result before reinsurance contracts issued   (21,167)   (57,577)
Net (expenses)/income from reinsurance contracts held   (15,133)   32,122
Insurance finance expense for insurance contracts issued   (7,142)   (1,138)
Reinsurance finance income for reinsurance contracts held   3,090   516
Net insurance loss   (40,352)   (25,987)
Net investment income 12 5,197   12,363
Allowance for expected credit losses on loans and advances  


(23,668)   (44,009)
Reversal of allowance for expected credit losses on Islamic financing and investing assets  


1,436   5,721
Other operating income, net 13 57,754   24,444
Net operating income   156,114   129,091
Salaries and employees related expenses 14 (91,001)   (86,254)
Depreciation of property, fixtures and equipment   (6,568)   (7,789)
Interest on lease liabilities   (3)   (5)
General and administrative expenses 15 (43,334)   (42,101)
Operating profit/(loss) for the year   15,208   (7,058)
Share of losses of equity accounted investees 21 (399)   (4,268)
Profit/(loss) for the year   14,809   (11,326)





The accompanying notes from 1 to 40 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.