Fair Value Management


From a global perspective, 2016 was a year of contradictions, characterized by the reduction of systemic risks such as a European banking crisis but the rise of political risks in the western world. The start of the year 2016 was overshadowed
by fears of a global recession leading to a major correction n risky investments until mid-February 2016. For the remainder of the year, risky assets recovered with returns diverging strongly across regions and currencies. The UK Brexit vote and the US Presidential election led to shortterm
volatility in financial markets but not to a substantial correction. The oil price drop adversely impacted GCC public finances, hampered job creation, lowered credit asset quality & liquidity in the GCC banking system and slowed economic growth.From a global perspective, 2016 was a year of contradictions, characterized by the reduction of systemic risks such as a European banking crisis but the rise of political risks in the western world. The start of the year 2016 was overshadowed
by fears of a global recession leading to a major correction n risky investments until mid-February 2016. For the remainder of the year, risky assets recovered with returns diverging strongly across regions and currencies. The UK Brexit vote and the US Presidential election led to shortterm
volatility in financial markets but not to a substantial correction. The oil price drop adversely impacted GCC public finances, hampered job creation, lowered credit asset quality & liquidity in the GCC banking system and slowed economic growth.From a global perspective, 2016 was a year of contradictions, characterized by the reduction of systemic risks such as a European banking crisis but the rise of political risks in the western world. The start of the year 2016 was overshadowed

From a global perspective, 2016 was a year of contradictions, characterized by the reduction of systemic risks such as a European banking crisis but the rise of political risks in the western world. The start of the year 2016 was overshadowed by fears of a global recession leading to a major correction risky investments until mid-February 2016. For the remainder of the year, risky assets recovered with returns diverging strongly across regions and currencies. The UK Brexit vote and the US Presidential election led to shortterm



From a global perspective, 2016 was a year of contradictions, characterized by the reduction of systemic risks such as a European banking crisis but the rise of political risks in the western world. The start of the year 2016 was overshadowed
by fears of a global recession leading to a major correction risky investments until mid-February 2016. For the remainder of the year, risky assets recovered with returns diverging strongly across regions and currencies. The UK Brexit vote and the US Presidential election led to shortterm



Share capital 20 310,050 310,050
Treasury shares 24 (12,587) (9,750
Employees’ share-based payment scheme 21 (1,750) (1,750)
Statutory reserve 22 142,752 138,722
Cumulative changes in fair value of investments carried at fair value through other comprehensive income 17,493 (57,858)
Retained earnings 133,227 196,234
Tier 1 Sukuk 10 288,700 297,850
Proposed directors’ remuneration 2,076 5,371
879,961 878,869
Non-controlling interests 3 73,791 75,316
Total equity 953,752 954,185


Customers’ deposits and margin accounts 20 310,050 310,050
Due to banks and other financial institutions 24 (12,587) (9,750
Short term borrowings 21 (1,750) (1,750)
Medium term loan 22 142,752 138,722
Interest payable and other liabilities 17,493 (57,858)
Provision for employees’ end of service benefits 133,227 196,234
3,428,689 4,057,764
Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale 34 29,902 29,902
Total liabilities 3,458,591 4,087,666
Total equity and liabilities 4,412,343 5,041,851
Commitments and contingent liabilities 25 1,969,881 1,804,985